With a growing company comes the need for a new office. WeAreKeen is proud to move into a new, bigger, modern office in the heart of the historic Jordaan area in Amsterdam. After 4 years, the WeAreKeen office at A-lab in Amsterdam-North didn’t fit just right anymore, and it was time for expansion. 

Located on the Brouwersgracht, the new office serves also as a community hub for all WeAreKeen recruiters, team members, freelancers, and partners. The new office will offer more space for various types of working, meeting, training and interacting. A community hub to stimulate more creativity and learning for all working in the recruitment industry. 


Quadrupled in size

Even in times of a pandemic, expansion is happening for WeAreKeen, and better yet, across borders too. Earlier, the news was out about the Berlin office. The Berlin office is a good opportunity to directly work with German-based scale-ups and corporates. However, as Amsterdam is the European tech hub, WeAreKeen simply outgrew its Dutch office space. The portfolio of partners increased and is still growing, which means that the team is also exponentially growing, making the Amsterdam office not the right fit anymore. In the last year only, the team quadrupled in size in order to keep up with the larger client portfolio. With the embedded model that WeAreKeen offers, and its hybrid nature, many embedded recruiters work from the WeAreKeen office and not just at the clients’ workspace. Therefore, the need for a bigger office was urgent, and it also enabled the founders to rethink their office needs.